Gatsby accelerates my portfolio development and can yours too

Joshua Miller
2 min readOct 25, 2020

React-based Gatsby is a quick and efficient way to get any site up these days. So, when I started looking at the problem as a way to learn more about React as well as how to publish to a static environment combined with the ease of use via the well written documentation—it was a clear winner over traditional setups.

For my hosting environment I chose Github Pages which traditionally uses Jekyll as the static development platform; but, without much effort you too can host a Gatsby site using Github Pages. For starters I jumped right into the Gatsby docs:

A couple of methods exist to publish to Github: one being the Master Branch and the other being a path on your subdomain. I just need the ability to publish to my subdomain /root. Not only that; but, I’m using a custom domain and their instructions specifically say: “If you use a custom domain, don’t add a pathPrefix"

Then it was as simple as

gatsby new gatsby-site

I chose the Novela theme by the fine folks over at Narative which does require a little bit of a different setup because it’s not using the gh-pages package out of the box. Thankfully they too have a clean repo to view a sample site at.

More to come as I write and add additional plugins.

